How To Be Single (For Women)

Total Abandonment: The Key To A Modern Woman’s Heart?

There is one reality that you may find hard to believe or accept. However, this kind of reality is nothing new because you can trace its origins during the time of Moses where the people he left for forty days and forty nights went wild and surrendered to their human frailties. Although he was able to put things back in order, this kind of surrender, a form of total abandonment is still evident today. It may not be applicable to everybody but for most women it is.

Maker Her Fall On Her Feet By Taking Risks

Women view men as someone who is strong, tough, and wise. In fact, there are women who worship men and are willing to do everything for them. However, this does not apply to all women. There are also those who have very high standards and no matter how confident you are, she still has the guts to turn you down. You see this is the problem with women they tend to drive you crazy. However, if you want to attract her and bring her home then you should not let her initial rejection affect you. Act as if you do not care. If you find it, impossible to make another move with her then focus your attention on another woman.

Top 10 Inexpensive First Date Ideas

Going on a first date? Here’s 10 inexpensive date ideas.

How to Tell If He Is Flirting With You or Just Playing Around? Sure Fire Ways to Figure It Out

There are times you can be surrounded by all your friends but one guy will stand out from the rest because he is doing things to make you aware of the fact that he likes you. The fact that he makes you notice him shows you that he has something up his sleeve! These signs below will let you know if he is flirting with you.

Drop The Blame, Improve Your Game

Most men are conscious about improving their game. In fact, a good number of them are well aware that the reason why they cannot seem to land date is that they lack something that attracts women. It is hard to tell what this “something” is. However, one thing is for sure this something cannot be acquired overnight. It is even impossible to acquire it in a week or a month. It may take several months when you can see the magic of this something. You may not notice it at first but little by little, women are drawn to you. You no longer are rejected at first glance and if you are lucky, you might be able to take one home.

Setting Qualifications In A Date: Why Is This Important?

You may have noticed that both men and women tend to be amused by the rating system. Yes, rating system can be used as a gauge or measure for several factors. In fact, this can even be used to measure an individual’s attractiveness. You will also take note that men find it easier to rate women than the other way around. Truth is, if you find the subject attractive you will immediately give her the perfect rating. On the other hand, women find rating men a little bit harder because they do not really rely on the physical features alone. For a woman to rate a man accurately she will have to know more about his personality.

Love Is in the Air – Will the Royal Wedding Bring a Little Romance Into All Our Lives?

Today it was announced that Prince William is engaged to be married to Kate Middleton. A fun article to reflect the national mood!

Being Happy: Helps Boost Your Self-Confidence and Attract Women

If you are a normal human being, you are probably familiar with the feelings of happiness and sadness. During the day, you may experience happiness and in less than a minute, you find yourself sad. This cycle can go on for the rest of the day or you may feel happy or sad towards the end. It is hard to explain why these emotions seem to take place more than once in a 24-hour period, but one thing is for sure it can be attributed to several factors.

The Right Attitude To Impress Women

Like it or not, one of your priorities involve impressing women. Yes, them being impressed is a big deal because this can increase the chances of her agreeing to go on a date with you. However, there is no guarantee that you will impress all the women that you meet along the way. Naturally, there will always be those who will reject you because you are not their type or because you fail to meet their standards. Meeting her standards is not an easy task and along the way, you may lose sight of yourself. When this happens, you just lost your chance of ever dating her.

Get To Know Yourself And It Will Be Simpler To Find A Date

You are most likely sick and tired of being rejected by a hot woman all the time. You are probably thinking of ways to change this scenario. More or less, you have spent countless hours researching on techniques and strategies in dating. You even enrolled yourself in several workshops. Yet, you discover that the results are still the same considering that you have memorized all the lines and mastered all the techniques.

Raise The Bar and Make It Easier For You To Meet Women

Yes, I can see that your jaws are dropping. Close it and read this article carefully. True, meeting women, talking to women, and dating women can be a real endeavor. No matter what you do, even if you have been through the workshops you still find yourself unnerved by her sheer presence. Rather than impressing her, you end up making a fool of yourself because you started acting like her personal assistant. This is a big no-no. Even though, your intentions are pure acting, as a personal assistant will make you look needy and desperate. The bad news is women do not dig this.

How to Attract Hot Women With Pheromones

If you’ve ever wondered why it is that some men seem to be able to attract women without being particularly good looking, you might have noticed the presence of pheromones. These are hormones that are released by the body and have a powerful influence on whether or not a woman is attracted to a man. The effects of pheromones are much stronger on women and they are on men, and the more you have the more successful you’ll be in attracting potential mates.

Be Yourself and Attract Your Kind of Woman

Life is on its own the perfect reality of what anybody can get. To get the fullest of it, there is a need for you to be yourself. It makes things easier and allows things move well for you. Please read on!

How to Show a Man That You Love Him Without Sounding Too Needy? Here Is the Right Way to Do It

Most men cheat on their woman when they begin to feel less loved. The woman alone is not to blame here but it is also the man’s inability to understand that his woman surely loves him. To prevent such things you will have to constantly show your man how much you love him and here are some ways you can do that.

Best Flirting Tips For Guys

Here’s a list of my very best flirting tips for guys. These are little tricks that I use all the time to meet, talk to, and get dates with women. They all work great, even if you are a shy beginner who doesn’t have a lot of experience.

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