Why Does a Man Act Nice One Day and Ignore You the Next? 7 Interesting Insights
It can be annoying and confusing if your man blows hot and cold all the time. Here are some interesting insights that decode why your man acts nice with you on one day and ignores you the next.
Why Do Boyfriends Flirt With Other Girls?It makes you jealous and mad when he flirts with other girls. Your rationale is: he’s got a girlfriend so he should stop flirting with other girls. Unfortunately, this is usually an unspoken rule. To help you handle the situation better, here’s an explanation about why boyfriend flirt with other girls so you can figure out what to do next…
Dating Chemistry Test – What’s The Best Question To Ask A Potential Love Match?Find out if your date is ready for a relationship by asking this question. Learn how to evaluate their response to see if you’re a compatible love match.
Woman’s Laughter Is Your SuccessHow do you make a woman like you? It matters not if you aren’t the lady’s man because of your looks, financial status or simply because you are too timid. You still have a chance if you use humor.
Why Boyfriends Are ControllingHe wants to know where you’re going and who you’re going with. He tells you what to do and gets upset when you don’t follow his advice. Worst of all, you can’t win in an argument and he makes you feel bad about your opinions. Is this normal boyfriend behaviour? Here are some answers to help you understand why boyfriends and controlling and what you can do about it…
Good Daters Don’t PushThere is nothing that is worse than a pushy man trying to get a woman to go out with him. Please never feel that you need to be pushy to get dates. What you are really doing is letting the woman know that you are an obnoxious jerk, and no woman is interested in getting together with a guy like that.
Valentines Day in China and Dating Chinese GirlsDo they celebrate Valentines day in China, and if so, how? Find out this, and what gifts you should give to a Chinese girlfriend or a Chinese girl you wish to attract in this article today.
One of the Flirty Games You Can Use on WomenSometimes flirting can be a bit tricky, especially when we want to be subtle about how we do it. Check out this flirty game that you can use on your next date!
How to Even Out the Dating FieldSometimes it seems like the dating field is an uphill slope we’ll never summit. Well, maybe we think we should be climbing when we should be leveling instead!
Five Signs She Likes You And Your Flirting Skills Are WorkingSometimes we wonder if our flirting skills are really working because we find it difficult to spot the signs she likes you. Here are five pretty clear signs!
Tips to Pick Up Women: Choosing Your TargetSometimes, your seductions success is dependent on choosing the right target. When you pick up women, consider whether or not they are giving signals they want to be picked up.
Presenting an Attractive ImageMore than being good looking, presenting an attractive image is what can get you dates with women. Consider what it is you project whenever you go out on the prowl.
How to Prevent Your Dating Anxiety From ShowingThough it may seem strange to some, there really is such a thing as dating anxiety. It can be seen in a person’s actions. Ideally, however, it should be hidden because people can pick up on it and realize that you lack confidence.
Eyes Don’t Lie: Using Clues to Determine AttractionA woman may be telling you she isn’t interested, but it might not be the truth. Discover whether or not she’s really into you by learning about the clues her eyes give away.
Catch the Dating Body Language Clues That Tell You She’s Interested!Dating body language can reveal what a woman really feels about you and the techniques you’ve chosen to do. Learn some of the clues that tell you she’s interested.