In this blog post, we’ll be delving into the intricate details of the “No Contact Rule” popularized by Matthew Hussey. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you’re contemplating whether or not to reach out to an ex or how to handle communication with someone you’ve recently ended things with, then this rule is for you. By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of the concept and the reasons why it can be effective in certain situations. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!
The “No Contact Rule” Explained | Matthew Hussey
Breakups are a challenging, yet inevitable, part of life. Whether you initiated it or not, the pain of a breakup can be overwhelming and can affect every aspect of your life. You may feel like isolating yourself or seeking comfort in unhealthy behaviors. However, there are healthier ways to cope with the pain of a breakup, and relationship expert Matthew Hussey has plenty of tips for you. In his free video training titled “Heal Your Heart & Move On Strong From Your Breakup,” Hussey offers practical advice on how to deal with the aftermath of a breakup, including the “No Contact Rule.”
The Speaker
Matthew Hussey is a British dating coach and author with a massive following online. He has had numerous appearances on television, including as a regular expert on the NBC daytime show “Ready for Love.” Along with his video content, Hussey also writes in his blog and shares helpful material on his social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Setting a Goal to Overcome the Pain of a Breakup
While it is essential to allow yourself time to grieve and process your emotions after a breakup, focusing on your growth and personal development is crucial. Hussey recommends setting a goal and working towards it to overcome the pain of a breakup instead of wallowing in it. He suggests that setting a goal, whether it is career-oriented or a personal wellness goal, and working towards it can aid in shifting your perspective and give you a sense of accomplishment.
The “No Contact Rule”
The “No Contact Rule” is a technique devised to cut off all communication with an ex-partner. It involves creating space between yourself and your ex-partner, giving yourself the chance to heal and move on without interference. Hussey explains how the “No Contact Rule” can allow you to take control of yourself in the aftermath of a breakup rather than allowing your ex-partner to control your emotions.
The No Contact Rule Explained
Hussey explains that the “No Contact Rule” should not be taken lightly, and it is a committed decision. The first stage is to withdraw from all forms of communication, including calls and messages, and any other contact that you had with your ex. Hussey suggests deleting their number to prevent yourself from reaching out to them.
What to Say at Different Stages
The first few days and weeks of no contact tend to be the most challenging moments. Hussey suggests staying busy and seeking support from loved ones during this time. However, after some time, you may find it challenging to maintain your commitment to the “No Contact Rule,” especially if your ex-partner reaches out to you. Hussey provides various responses you can use in such cases, such as, “I need some space right now,” or “I wish you all the best, but I need to move on with my life.”
Free Downloads
Hussey offers various helpful and free downloads on his official website, including the “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” and “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You.” These downloads provide actionable tips and conversation starters that can aid in rebuilding your self-esteem and confidence in the aftermath of a breakup.
Tips on How to Deal with Overwhelming Emotions After a Breakup
Hussey acknowledges that everyone experiences heartbreak after a relationship ends, but what sets individuals apart is how they deal with the pain. He advises against letting overwhelming emotions dictate our actions and suggests coping mechanisms. For example, spending time with loved ones or using your hobbies as a way to process your feelings can be effective. Additionally, speaking to a counselor or therapist is an excellent way to gain professional support.
In conclusion, dealing with a breakup is never easy, but by adopting the “No Contact Rule” and taking proactive steps towards personal growth, the pain of the breakup can be somewhat more manageable. Additionally, utilizing the free content available from experts like Matthew Hussey can be an excellent tool for regaining confidence and moving forward after a breakup.
Q1. Is the “No Contact Rule” applicable in every breakup?
A1. While the “No Contact Rule” can be a helpful way to heal from a breakup, it may not be practical in all situations. In circumstances where kids or businesses are involved, for example, some communication with an ex-partner may be necessary.
Q2. How long should I maintain the “No Contact Rule”?
A2. The duration of the “No Contact Rule” varies depending on the individual’s circumstances and the severity of the heartbreak. Generally, it is recommended to stay out of contact for at least 30 days to allow yourself time to heal.
Q3. Will the “No Contact Rule” make my ex-partner miss me?
A3. The primary goal of the “No Contact Rule” is to give yourself the chance to heal from the pain of the breakup. While there is a possibility that your ex may miss you, it should not be your sole focus or reason for implementing the “No Contact Rule.”
Q4. What should I do if I accidentally bump into my ex during the “No Contact Rule”?
A4. If you accidentally bump into your ex during the “No Contact Rule,” keep your response as brief and polite as possible. Remember, maintaining the “No Contact Rule” is vital in this process, so don’t let this chance meeting send you spiraling backward.
Q5. Who is Matthew Hussey, and how can his advice help me recover from a breakup?
A5. Matthew Hussey is a dating coach, author, and speaker with years of expertise in dealing with love and relationship cases. His advice can be beneficial as he shares actionable tips on how to move on and heal from painful breakups, and his social media accounts are packed with useful resources.