Why Are You Sitting In The Friend Zone?

Speed Dating in a Library

Speed dating is not a novelty. Some library in Colorado put anew twist on it, however. They invite book lovers for this dating event to maximize the chances of those who are looking for a partner and love books.

How to Respond When a Guy Compliments You – Learn the Right Way to Respond & Get More Compliments

There are various ways in which you can respond to a compliment, especially from a guy! You can be embarrassed or blush to the roots of your hair, or you can act flippant and pretend that it’s no big deal! Either way, you could look like a fool. Here are some great ways to respond to a guy’s compliments.

How to Behave on a Date

The first impression made is the last impression retained. The idea of going on a date doesn’t mean to exaggerate your true self being and spend as much as you can; rather it is an opportunity for both parties to get to know of each other, which may eventually lead to a long term commitment.

How to Prevent a Guy From Losing Interest in You – Keep Him on His Toes With These Useful Tips

At times in a relationship one of the partners starts to show disinterest in the other. There is nothing to be alarmed about it as it is normal and sometimes the stress of life takes its toll. However, once the stress causing factor is taken care of things fall back in place. If, however, you feel that there is more than stress that is causing the rift then here is what you have to do to prevent him from losing interest in you.

How to Handle Rejection From a Guy You Really Liked? 7 Tips Which Will Help You Immensely Here

Learning to deal with rejection is one of the most important lessons that life teaches us. At times you get rejected in school, at universities at job interviews and sometimes we get rejected in our love lives. What do we do when we get rejected at a job interview that we desperately wanted? We pick ourselves up, make firm resolve and with dogged determination we move on to the next big challenge. Here is how you should handle a rejection from a guy you really liked.

How to Be the Perfect Girl Every Guy Wants? 7 Tips No Girl Out There Should Miss at All

Every girl harbors the secret desire to be perfect for her guy. But to be the perfect girl you need to be prepared to work very hard. Here is what you need to do to be the perfect girl that every guy wants.

How Do You Know If Your Boyfriend Will Love You Forever? Know His True Level of Commitment

It is only natural to want to date a guy who is going to be true and faithful to you forever. Most girls have an innate fear of being dumped or left high and dry by a boyfriend who has found somebody new! Here are some swell ways of knowing if your boyfriend will love you till kingdom come.

7 Clever Ways to Deal With a Boyfriend Who Doesn’t Listen! Put This Plan Into Action Right Away

When your boyfriend tunes you out or “cuts off” from you then it can be the most exasperating thing a girl can go through. Not only do your feel like forcing him to sit down and listen to you, but you feel like ramming your views down his throat! But of course one knows that it is not that easy! You cannot force someone to listen to you. What you can do though, is use some clever techniques like the ones mentioned here to make him listen to you.

Is There Any Way to Tell If a Man Has Had Thoughts of You Romantically? Follow These Pointers

Many times a woman is not really sure if a guy is romantically interested in her or not. Sometimes a look, a smile or a certain gesture is not enough proof of his interest and attraction towards you. Here are some tips that will help you to know for sure whether he has romantic thoughts of you.

You Better Not Do Any of This on Your Date

There are certain things one must avoid when on a date. These things may not give good impression to the other person and can ruin relationship before it eventually starts.

What Signs Should I Look for Which Will Show That He Might Never Commit to Me? Follow This

A sure way to check if he is interested in commitment is to talk about it. A man who is averse towards the idea of commitment and marriage will hate to talk about it. He does not want to be confronted with the truth and therefore will lose his temper and get angry if you try to talk about marriage or long term commitment.

Instructions For Short Guys To Get Girls

At present, lots of women fall for tall and handsome type of guys. Are you short and are concerned about your height? Are you not certain if you can get a girl?

How Do I Know If My Man Doubts Our Relationship? These Tips Will Make Everything Clear

When a man begins to doubt a relationship he sends out certain signals. If you feel that all is not well in your relationship and feel that your man could be having doubts then these are the signs that you need to watch out for.

What Can I Do When a Man I Like Is Always Nervous Around Me? Here Is What You Should Do

Some men get really nervous around girls they like. As much as they would want to make a move on the girl that are not able to do so because of their nervousness. Here is what you can do when a man gets nervous around a girl that he likes.

Why Is It So Hard for Men to Ask a Woman Out? Here Is Why Some Men Don’t Find It Easy at All

Normally men are pretty quick to ask a woman out. But there are some men who take a frustratingly long time to go ahead and ask a woman out. Here is why these men take so much of time.

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